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I was just banned from the only food store in a small town in Alberta because I wouldn't wear a mask!

submitted by GeneralDisarray to Canada 2.9 yearsOct 27, 2021 23:41:41 ago (+40/-0)     (Canada)

I live north of Calgary, Alberta. In a small town within commuting distance from calgary.

The woman (of course it was a woman) harassed me for not wearing a mask!

I said "psychopaths gaslighting us all doesn't mean I have to do anything!"

"Why are you making yourself the enforcer for psychopaths?"

She said "the government makes the rules for us to follow!"

I said "the government has to obey the law like us all, they don't make the rules!"

Then she denied selling me smokes. Then I told her to take all the groceries back. She then tells me I'm banned. This after I hit a $1,200 fine for not wearing a mask in 2020 that was increased to $1,440 before the courts dropped it. At the same store.

I said " 16,000 rcmp officers have called this psychological abuse"

She told me to "trust the science!" Regurgitating one of the preprogrammed catchphrases the tv programmed her with. She said it quietly like she didn't even believe what she was saying. She doubted her own final answer.

So for thinking "my body, my choice!" I am no longer able to buy food in my town. For establishing boundaries to narcissistic abuse and gaslighting I am excluded from the most basic amenities.

I'm currently considering my options.

The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal seems like a good place to start. They have a reputation for finding discrimination happened in about 98% of cases.

How should I deal with this bullshit voat?

60 comments block

Put some sort of face covering so they won't know its you