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Goats, I'm pissed, Tonight Macron announced they are going to make life hell for anyone who refuses the Vaccine.

submitted by Metanoid to whatever 2.8 yearsJul 12, 2021 17:56:06 ago (+39/-0)     (whatever)

I'm not sure what to say or do at this point. I know a lot of people are pissed because I'm already gettin the messages, but I have no idea how shit is going to play out. Starting in september you wont be able to go to the supermarket if you aren't vaccinated or have a PCR test that is less than 48 hours old. They've decided to go full fuck your life up if you don't comply on us.

Any advice?

103 comments block

Start growing potatoes?

Civil disobedience I don't think is a valid solution anymore, if enough do it, perhaps, but lone wolfs won't get anything done.

Find others like you, and be disobedient in large numbers is really the only hope short of catastrophic change and violence.