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Dark Souls 3 cinders review: the ultimate souls game (mod)

submitted by fightknightHERO to oneangrygamer 2.9 yearsJun 28, 2021 03:48:25 ago (+11/-0)     (oneangrygamer)

Shalom there goyim https://files.catbox.moe/9nznq6.jpg
i'ed reckon you want to play some non-pozzed game without infinity niggers and trannies?
well apparently there is a great mod, nay... the greatest of mods for dark souls 3

First up, what is Cinders?
Dark Souls 3 Cinders is an amalgamation of the souls franchise, combining content from all games and merging into one highly replayable game that

basically, imagine a dark souls game where you have weapons, spells, armors from all the souls games (demon's souls, dark souls, bloodborne and even Sekiro)

and i bet you ask yourself, "oh wow so much content, how much will it cost me?"
not a penny goy, not a penny (only your free time)

not to mention absolutely fixes and saves the design by the incompetent, niggerly, B-team
design by:
-enabling poise
-being able to level up via bonfires (no need to visit the shrine every time you kill a boss)
-can "forge" arrows and other consumables at a bonfire by using souls
-all infusions are unlocked from the start
-magic/miracles/pyromancy builds are actually viable (FP regenerates outside of combat and spells actually do damage)
-"useless" weapons are now useful
and tons of other quality of life changes


speaking of changes, the modders managed to solve the weapon upgrade system
remember how in every souls game the weapon you started with in the beginning
is the weapon you kept on using because you didn't feel like grinding down new shards/chunks/slabs?

well now the devs actually fixed this terrible design with something ingenious that absolute saves the game monotonous design

so lets say you found a really cool and nifty weapon mid game
instead of grinding upgrades all you have to do is have/forge a single upgrade stone (heavy for STR scale, sharp for Dex, refined for Quality, blessed for Faith you get the point)
and invest 2500/5000/10,000 for the weapon upgrade and you're all set to go

hell you can "convert" weapons with different scaling to quality or holy/int whatever using that method and it will still do function properly

infact there is one weapon that you can convert to an entire different element by simply adding a weapon upgrade stone, a very iconic weapon... been there at it's side all along since king's field, demon's souls, dark souls and even bloodborne (no spoilers here, think nigger!)

infact you can even infuse shields (after Pontiff)
and even catalysts

and of course, sexy armor sets from all across the souls series (each actually having it's own unique bonus like extra stats, stamina regen, resistances etc...)

new phantom invaders

new bosses
new weapons (among them new types of weapons as well, like battle staves)
new rings... spells...

the list is fucking huge, so what do you need in order to play this mod?
just dark souls 3 with the DLC, and the installation is simple as fuck
simply copy & paste the models (5.4GB) and content (1.6GB) unto the dark souls 3 directory and that's it
literally that's fucking it

the game automatically disables you from accessing multiplayer so you don't get into the fromsoft banned server (because for those who don't know kikesoft's ingenious method to stop hackers is to basically ban anyone who even sneezes on the files and put them unto a banned server, which is actually fucking useless since trainers are unaffected by this and many cheaters/hackers/save editors actually get away with cheating while regular people who just wanted upgraded graphics or mods get screwed, you can always revert the disable and play on a banned server but... unless you wanna kiss DS3 vanilla PvP [which is utter shit] goodbye forever...)

eh it's up to you http://ds3-cinders.wikidot.com/how-to-play-online

Wiki and instructions http://ds3-cinders.wikidot.com/

Download the mod https://www.nexusmods.com/darksouls3/mods/310?tab=files

extra notes: the game also added a mechanic to repeat bosses
repeating a boss grants you not only soul and his unique soul (for either spell transmutation or weapon transmutation)
but also if you're in the right level, a particular "affix" shard that you can use to upgrade rings

there are also curses to make the game harder (tougher enemies, bosses, higher aggro range, no FP regen and more for increased soul absorption) [fully reversible]

there is a whopping 26 different starting classes, each with their own unique playstyles with unique weapons
and there are also new "shortcut" warps
meaning if you wanna do a challenge run you can get to the dreg heap straight from HighWall of Lothric

i've sunk over a 100 hours on this mod and it's been a blast
definitely something worth playing while waiting for the Elden Ring...

8 comments block

Fucking great mod. The best fix is the removal of the fucking slow roll during swampy sections. No more dagger spam.