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Most Satanists are LGBTQ

submitted by mememeyou to religion 2.9 yearsMay 22, 2021 17:26:37 ago (+11/-1)     (www.pinknews.co.uk)


knights templar also got caught, initiates kissing male elder ass, 'kissing the devil's ass', think freemasons also kiss a goats ass

'transgender in the Kabballah', supposedly Adam was transgender, and they want us to return to that to bring the moschiac.

"when Hashem created Adam HaRishon, he was created as both genders"

Genesis 1:27
(27) And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female He created them.

3 comments block

cb1 -1 points 2.9 years ago

True origins of satan and lucifer are pagan. Odin, Wotan, Lucifer (Bringer of Light) are all the same. If it goes against the laws nature it is wrong.

These are faggot degenerates of society.

Edit: not saying im totally on board with satanist stuff. But the above is my conclusion after about 25 minutes of research after seeing a post on yearoftheblacksun over on poal....today actually.