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OAG Crew: Server down - congregating on old server.

submitted by WittyUserName to oneangrygamer 3.4 yearsApr 12, 2021 22:09:24 ago (+14/-0)     (oneangrygamer)*

Since it's been several hours, just to let OAG members know that we're in the old server waiting on some answers. Come join us if you remember how to get there.

EDIT: Server is back up as of 08/29/21.

59 comments block

Bludvarg 1 points 3.2 years ago

Here's a similar one for the PS2 Fat. This fella seems a bit more efficient than the other guy, though he didn't do that trick with the torch to make the corners clear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH__8TaX8e0