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The Ruqqus masks finally slipped for good. 103 subscribers, 26,682 rep. Banned for exposing their frauds.

submitted by Antiliberalsociety to whatever 3 yearsApr 9, 2021 08:56:21 ago (+28/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)*



I kept giving people insight to admin dishonesty, hypocrisy, and being completely fraudulent on the free speech platform. I also exposed their site as being a money laundering scheme. The Jewish admins finally had to (((shut it down))).


They removed my comment that sourced links to their censorship and cooperation with Jewish trolls to take over peoples subs (called guilds on that fagfest of a site) and called it "harassment". In 6 months I got them to completely abandon their free speech platform, turn on their userbase, and they proved me right yet again by permabanning me. I didn't cross any lines, just exposed their lies (to which they'd never debate me).

Took captainmeta4 (((Adam Ladine))) no time to hide the evidence I had on him https://files.catbox.moe/mgn4do.PNG What he was getting rid of was his mod logs pertaining to my comment that he interferes with users' subs by locking the function that gives them the option of choosing a category. https://files.catbox.moe/x12ykx.PNG I pointed out their Jewish cabal had a post listing Nazi guilds that were "miscategorized" and the admins always did what they wanted. I said if he was seeing that, (((someone))) complained.


Update: Admin's excuse was muh holohoax - shit you not lol. No proof or even remote evidence provided of course.


They just proved I was right, Hitler was right, and they are the subversive kikes I said they were. Once I started talking about their money - poof it became harassment lol. Now watch what happens:


@milkit @xigbar68

The plus side is, I redpilled more normies there in 6 months than I ever did in 4 years on Voat. The mass of redpills were so large, it lagged the page when you'd try to load it.


I hosted a debate on the Holocaust, on a site filled to the brim with jews, and no one could debunk my facts.


I predicted their censorship days before they implemented it.


Their "Discord cabal" faggot buddy (he literally changed his name to Tranny) actually spilled the beans before he was supposed to.


So the backstory is, around the end of December there was a big push for "apolitical guilds" to be promoted. The kikes from their discord server (they didn't even host it on their own domain) were complaining that Ruqqus was "turning into another Voat". They didn't want to admit in a free speech environment, leftism collapses because it's based on lies. So in the name of free speech and expression, they advocated for the same authoritarian intervention that caused them to flee Reddit in the first place. In short, they were infinitely pissed that a Nazi gained so much ground in so little time. They organized brigades:


Then accused Nazis of brigading any time they got downvoted. So it was when the admins picked a side, I knew I had them. I smelled a fraud. And anyone who knows me on here knows what I do to frauds. So I set out to expedite the process.

So fast forward to Christmas, I was leading them with a bunch of "it's going to be even worse once my friends get here" with the announcement that Voat 1.0 was closing. The kike admins panicked. So Christmas Day, Voat shut down, Ruqqus closed registration and banned me for a fraudulent claim that I had too many subs. They leaked my ban to their (((discord cabal))) aka the "RCP" (Ruqqus Cleanup Project - to "clean" out wrongthink) so they could siege (steal) my subs (guilds) with intent to destroy them.





It didn't go well. The amount of people on that bluepilled kiked site that went to bat for me was astonishing. Others got banned just to spite them and their fraud.


I had literal Jews that I sparred with on literally every Nazi topic defending me, to the point of getting a "harassment warning" and facing a permaban.


So they changed it to a temp ban (7 days) and got my subs back. They were destroyed, with everyone banned and their posts kicked to general.


I fixed it but in so doing, the userbase was made aware of the reddit speedrun they were doing. I kept going.

Their own Devs left in protest https://ruqqus.com/+RuqES/post/6c5g/ruqes-update-0280-new-ruqqie-reaction

I confronted the admins with facts (his own words) https://files.catbox.moe/9gesb9.PNG

They restricted my votes https://ruqqus.com/+general/post/6bzp/interesting-so-when-you-reach-your

My account got locked https://ruqqus.com/+HitlerWasRight/post/7cha/my-account-just-had-the-password which was mysteriously fixed when I posted on Poal about it.

My persistence continued, so the kike admin blocked me https://i.ibb.co/10PbRxT/IMG-9751.jpg

I exposed blatant hypocrisy https://ruqqus.com/+BasedStation/post/86r2/is-it-a-comment-supporting-a/sgar


I mocked them any chance I got. https://ruqqus.com/+TheoryOfRuqqus/post/99wo/the-retards-of-ruqqus-discord-have/v4vd?context=3

I used Yuri Bezmenov's subversion method: "Instead of stopping them, help them. Use their momentum to throw them over your shoulder." So when they did, it worked, and it worked well. I got them to commit, then I would fucking destroy them with facts https://ruqqus.com/+changelog/post/81t4/ruqqus-231-siege-reform - which lead to a free for all banning spree from a system sub https://ruqqus.com/+changelog/mod/log - even their own (((cabal))) was telling him to chill lol.

They blacklisted catbox (being my favorite redpill image host) and were caught in a lie https://files.catbox.moe/5awwbl.png the admin was even caught using alts to troll https://ruqqus.com/+FragileRuqqusAdmin/post/9dxw/the-captainmeta4-fuckshit-saga

And now the site is stagnant with majority bot posting lame reposts from reddit. I'd say my work is done here lol.

My support at the end was at an all time high https://ruqqus.com/+WakeUpWhitePeople/post/9h8y/how-do-you-do-fellow-catholics

Kikes exposed https://files.catbox.moe/yuj48p.png

*** Update: The fight is on ***



Another casualty: https://ruqqus.com/@Futaba went down in a blaze of Glory.

Admin still won't explain himself or provide good reason.

https://ruqqus.com/+The_Wolfs_Lair/post/9ki7/rip-josephgoebbels-banned-for-exposing-the (Private sub, might not be visible)








56 comments block

d1a -7 points 3 years ago

What the fuck are you doing with your time? And you documented all this? Absolute schizo