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Enjoy your stay in palliative care Karen, getting hit in the head with your crusty slipper.

submitted by UncleDoug to ShitBoomersSay 3 weeksMay 26, 2024 21:24:06 ago (+21/-3)     (pomf2.lain.la)


3 comments block

It's really funny seeing these former alt nineties girls slipping into retirement age and still alone. I'm not that age but once in a while I get one of them that takes a shine to me. A female friend of mine asked why I don't take them up on it.

Why would I lock myself into a legal contract (even one night out can make you liable in many cases) with an old, spoiled, childish woman whose good years are long behind them. Men stay with women to raise kids together and in exchange for the good years of her life spent with them. They offer none of those. They just expect a man to jump into dealing with menopausal hot flashes and her nonstop hate towards men?