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15min Cities

submitted by UncleDoug to conspiracy 3 weeksMay 26, 2024 04:24:16 ago (+18/-0)     (pomf2.lain.la)


Conspiracy theorist or the guy that was right all along?

Conspiracy Theorists Believe '15-Minute Cities' Are Actually Human Jails

It's not about the convenience. It's about the surveillance.
It's not about progressing society. It's about the control.

How are 15 min cities not open air prisons for the digital age? As soon as CDBC gets enacted and social credit become normal, the surveillance state will be the barbed wire of the future.

Change my mind.

10 comments block

It is a prison you choose to participate in, where the cameras are the barbed wire. It is by design to limit your movement under the guise of climate change.
15min cities create urban labour markets for tax slaves that never leave their locale, it creates segregation, you minimise interaction with people outside your local govt area, they are expensive, stale and jewed townships.

You will have less green spaces, less community engagement, its a neo-ghetto, an Authoritarian wet dream.

The convenience of having your residence, employment, commerce, healthcare, education and "entertainment" is not a good thing.