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Who created the conditions for low birthrates in the West?

submitted by DeusExMachina to videos 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 21:56:10 ago (+27/-0)     (x.com)


Of course, we all know the answer to this question. It's really well done. It names the jew throughout as well as the jewish individuals directly responsible for lowering the birthrate of whites in America and throughout the west.

24 comments block

Incel just means ur too much of a loser to attract a woman. If you don't want a woman you're gay or can't. Only two options. Almost no straight man that can get a woman won't. Mostly because they will get you. You show me a good looking successful man without a woman. And I will show you a self hating faggot. There are women literally looking for insecure men who are introverts. If you aren't a hideous troll and have a job. There's a woman who wants you. If you don't want her. You're probably just gay. No straight man dislikes the soft touch of a woman.