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"We uphold the laws of war."

submitted by PoundOfFlesh to videos 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 22:28:01 ago (+16/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


If questioning Israel is tantamount to pouring gasoline on the fires of anti-Semitism, I want to drop ten thousand nukes on those fires and another ten thousand on Israel directly.

4 comments block

They lied about Waco.
They lied about 9/11.
They lied about Saddam having WMDs.
They lied about Obama the magic peace-loving negro.
They lied about BLM chimpouts being peaceful protests.
They lied about Trump (the traitorous kike lover) being a Russian agent.
They lied about Covid-19 breaking out due to a chink eating bat soup.
They lied about the research they were funding in Wuhan.
They lied about the covid vaccines being safe.
They lied about Biden winning and getting 81.2M votes.
They lied about Jan 6 being an "insurrection."

"But I'm sure they'll start telling the truth any day now! Let's continue trusting them," say the goyim.