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ideatosavewhites: Develop a video for Elon and other elites to view, that shows computer graphics of what a peaceful and heavenly future White ethnostate could be like.

submitted by oppressed to IdeasToSaveWhites 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 15:41:43 ago (+7/-3)     (IdeasToSaveWhites)

ideatosavewhites: Develop a video or video game for Elon and other elites to view, that shows computer graphics of what a peaceful and heavenly future White ethnostate could be like. Have real, beautiful White people portray the citizenry of the ethnostate, as they walk around blue screens, with computer generated graphics added of the Jetsons-esque ethnostate.

Another idea: a wizard of oz type story where dorothy gets transported to a White ethnostate where everything is pure and glory, love, kindness abounds, shining brightly into her other world of dark races and black abyss.

11 comments block

Yeah but what about all the blackmail tapes?

Bullets and rope. That is what it’s gonna take dude.