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Have you had any electronics die since the solar storms?

submitted by Niggly_Puff to AskUpgoat 3 weeksMay 25, 2024 03:39:54 ago (+12/-0)     (AskUpgoat)

Since the solar storms I've had 3 screens mysteriously die

1 phone screen just stopped working. It displayed mostly black with lines of colors. The OS underneath would still react to input.
1 monitor started displaying horizontal lines of dead pixels
1 tv stopped displaying properly. The screen wasn't black but incoherent and displayed different lines of colors.

I never have these types of issues.

13 comments block

No, but I've noticed the ocassional GPU artifact on my screen with 2D graphics, such as browser windows scrambling up for a split second. No artifacts in 3D mode.

The video card is old at this point, though (GTX 1080ti). Haven't tried updating the driver.