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Laura Loomer

submitted by Bidenguy666 to TheJewishProblem 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 15:22:05 ago (+10/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


26 comments block

I just have to throw this up...I mean in, 1st off, FUCK LOOMER...a number of years back I was in the process of securing a multi million $ phase of a billion $ project, I was just inches from the purchase order...the project manager was from Kalamazoo Mi and knew the father of my x bitch of a cunt bitch wife...the decision was down to 2 crane suppliers of which I was one but the other supplier pulled a lot of weight in the industry, in fact he is in the Guiness Book of Records for owning the world's largest hydraulic All Terrain Crane, a 650ton Demag, the German manufacturer of Demag Cranes worked on the design of this crane for over 2 years specifically on the order of this crane company owner, who himself was a professional engineer, (passed away last year) he was well known world wide, in the end I got the contract...BUT....it was the classy dames that I supplied him with that gave me the edge, NOW HERE IT IS, I claimed a few K on my expense account to cover the dames and head office in Cleveland called to get clarification on the terminology I used to specify the expenses, I can't submit reimbursement for "HOOKER FEES" so I used the term "INFLUENCIAL GRATUITY"...I got calls from sister crane yards in Florida, Georgia, Detroit, Millwakee and Iowa about my terminology and they loved it...head office couldn't reimburse me but they gave me one fuck of a good bonus on that 26million $ purchase order.