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Arizona Secretary of State is a Fucking Illiterate Moron

submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 3 weeksMay 24, 2024 16:45:35 ago (+14/-1)     (www.theguardian.com)


“Terrorism is defined as a threat of violence for a political outcome,” Adrian Fontes said in remarks recorded for an NBC Meet the Press episode airing on Sunday morning.

Show me, in the law, where "terrorism" is defined as a "threat of violence".

Election workers there endure a daily torrent of hateful and menacing messages over email and social media as Trump and his Republican supporters continue to lie that Biden and his Democratic allies fraudulently stole the 2020 presidential race from him.

No examples linked, but "hateful and menacing" messages aren't illegal or legally a "threat".

Posted here because @joe_mccarthy is a dick suckin' pedo faggot and glows like a full moon, and has me banned in his faggy sub.

8 comments block

Terrorism is defined as a threat of violence for a political outcome,”

Like what moo-ssad has done?