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Tales of the libtards: population density means more crime, but ignore the race

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to TellTalk 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 21:24:22 ago (+6/-0)     (TellTalk)

I was talking to the local libtard and he was mentioning how his nearby city is just a crime riddled dump. He had mentioned that since it has more people, more people means more crime. I know many 99% White cities with thousands that have close to zero crime. So more people does not always mean more crime. So I looked the racial markup of said shithole and it was 35% niggers, 50% mexicans and 15% White. Sure enough, the crime went up because of niggers and mexicans, not because of the composite of people. Essentially, bring in more criminals, and you get more crime. I also was trying to have him explain how the same, identical city did NOT have a crime problem 40 years ago, compared to now when it does. But i didnt get very far in this conversation, before he shut down over my harsh speech. Because when reality is uncomfortable, just lie to yourself ...

4 comments block

that is because logic and libtards are two essentially different things