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16 comments block

CHIRO 1 points 3 weeks ago

I was a fan of his back in 2018 or something like that, mostly on account of the fact he was openly naming the Jew. It wasn't long before I realized who he is, which is a complete grifter. He crafted this whole story about how he was cancelled by the powers in Hollywood. The reality is he was never that talented, and the movies he was in were garbage (he was a sideshow in them). He is a broken clock that's right twice a day. He made too big of a noise in that space without the status to resist the blowback, and now he sits and moans about everything that was taken from him as he invents imaginary beefs with people who forgot him over a decade ago. And because people are so eager to be validated by a cultic group, they basically bought him a fucking farm in Idaho.

I knew it was over as soon as he started running with Teddy (Vox Day). There has never been a more insufferable personality nor a bigger bottom-feeder than that guy.

Why do you continue to pay attention to him? I don't see anybody else at this site talking about him except you. I'm just wondering why anybody is following him any longer. I don't understand why people are still active at the subreddit. Revoke your money and attention, and let the guy fade into obscurity. People who still call themselves bears and give him money after the Beartaria thievery are beyond all hope.

I will give the guy credit for his stand-up, though. https://www.tiktok.com/@anchorbear/video/7285841969165716778