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Funny story

submitted by Crackinjokes to FunnyVideos 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 17:57:25 ago (+13/-0)     (youtube.com)


2 comments block

x0x7 2 points 3 weeks ago

I hate videos that auto play with no volume and don't let you seek in the video for what you missed. So many people complained about video auto playing sound that we got something more retarded.

A hint to web devs. If the user performed an action for which they should expect sound you can play sound (like clicking a fucking youtube video). If they scrolled to the element playing sound you shouldn't play sound, but a better way to not play sound is to not start the video.

The modern world creates the most broken shit and calls it engineering. Engineering has become a contest for how retarded you can make something while still meeting minimum specified criteria. If what you made doesn't make people resent being alive then you aren't a true engineer.