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"Prince of the Congo"

submitted by MuricaPersonified to Niggers 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 16:02:46 ago (+28/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


I am so fucking tired of niggers.

29 comments block

Remember, when shit like this happens demand a refund of any services you spent in that place and never go there again. Talk to the highest ranked employee and tell them you were threatened by the outburst and you need compensation.

No, it's unlikely you're going to get anything but it is the business' fault. They have allowed this type of behavior to continue by not asking the animal to leave immediately. When you enter a business you should be guaranteed safety or, at the very least, a pleasant transaction. When nigs monkey out you get neither.

If everyone refused to tolerate this shit in a business things would change.