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Encountered two retard boomers at a 4-way stop yesterday and lost my cool.

submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 09:40:23 ago (+6/-3)     (TellUpgoat)

So I stop at a very busy 4-way stop in town. I'm busy and got shit to do. Guy in front of me doesn't go on his turn and instead starts doing that godamned dumb fuck "come on" motion with his hand and letting over a dozen other vehicles go. I had my windows down and sunroof open and I screamed with the power of a Viking warrior "GGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo You dumb FUCK!!!!" and it echoed all over town and everyone was looking at me. Many at a hotel were looking. Gas station full of travelers looking. These MF's man...

Then on my way out... It happened again. I get to the stop sign. The lady on the other side, its her turn to go. She pulls into the middle of the intersection and suddenly stops and motions for me to go. I pointed at her and screamed like Brian Johnson from ACDC for her to "fucking go. Move your ass along dumb bitch".

Why do these dumb fucks feel the need to do dumbfuck shit like this instead of just going and not gumming up the works?? GD these pos really get to me these days. I think its okay to help someone when needed but this retard shit like this is just stupid. I wonder if its the anti-depressants causing this? Or if all of this is a simulation and the creator does shit like this to me because he thinks its funny? I don't understand life anymore. I don't belong here. I should've been old in the 70's and 80's and died in 1990.

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No good movies or music after gen x. I'm sure there are some exceptions to the rule but everything died in 1997-98.