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Mammy boon Shaqueefa chimps out learning lil Da'Coonvius didn't win an award

submitted by big_fat_dangus to Monkeyshines 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 13:30:34 ago (+18/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


13 comments block

Brings me back. Year after year I used to get every award and it was embarrassing but I got conceited at the same time. Then one year they taught me a lesson by not giving me any award except 1. Humbling but not humiliating.

One thing it taught me, however, that it was rigged.

This wisdom helped me understand election 2000 decided by 181 votes and later 2020 decided by fake votes.

Said another way:

The sheboon might be on to something. Teachers cheat and play favorites. Those same students grew up to do the same when they got involved in politics. Closet marxists believe: The ends justifies the means.