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"Prince of the Congo"

submitted by MuricaPersonified to Niggers 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 16:02:46 ago (+28/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


I am so fucking tired of niggers.

29 comments block

Last week, my wife and I drove three hours to see a beautiful house for sale, for an incredible price. But the towns crime grade was slightly better than Detroit. Because whites were only 24 percent of the population. We currently live in a 99.8 percent white community with an A+ rating, but the taxes are the highest in the nation. Told her we’re de-evolving to move to that community, we should strive for a 100 percent white community. But, she wanted to see it, so we went.

We looked at the house for one hour and examined the community for three hours. We witnessed two outbursts like that Arsenio Hall looking fellow. We went to the only grocery store for 30 miles and my wife noticed all the niggers were leering at her. She’s not used to niggers, I am. Told her they want to rape her. She snapped out of it and we’re staying put.

The house was cool. Looked like a villains lair from a James Bond film. If it had been anywhere else, I would have bought it. But you can’t cure niggers.