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how can liberals be THAT retarded

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to AskUpgoat 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 12:59:45 ago (+12/-0)     (AskUpgoat)

I was talking to my one liberal family member and the amount of cognitive dissonance over the world is just ... no words. The guy is unemployed, cant find a job, and is now living on welfare. He was championing biden's build back better program and how it's doing phenomenal and bla bla bla. Yet ... they guy can't find a job, and somehow he also believes jobs are everywhere. He champions biden as some kind of king, but he can't name a single thing that the guy is done that's good for anyone.

It's the same with israel. He wholly believes the holohoax but now also believes israel is an agressor. Never ONCE did this guy stop and think, maybe if israel is lying now they were lying prior? Nope, never crossed his mind. But really, how can one believe such confusing, distorted lies with a straight face and not get angry?

And I mean this guy has a PHD in an engineering field and everything, I was expecting him to be somewhat smarter at deducing this nonsense? But apparently just cause you have a PHD doesnt make you smart. I suspect since universities are so liberal, he morhped into a liberal over the course of a decade. To put this in perspective when he was younger, this guy would call niggers niggers to their face. Now, he's all about one world race, race is skin deep, liberalism,etc

13 comments block

dass 0 points 3 weeks ago


And tell him Voat called.