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Not racemixing is simply selective breeding, which has been proven to be highly beneficial in evolution and eugenics. Therefore it cannot be the anti-White slurs of "bigoted" or "racist."

submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 06:45:58 ago (+13/-0)     (QuotesToWakeWhites)

Not racemixing is simply selective breeding, which has been proven to be highly beneficial in evolution and eugenics. Therefore it cannot be the anti-White slurs of "bigoted" or "racist."


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4 comments block

Racemixing is an evolutionary trait of women. Until very recently in history, the defeated men were mostly killed and their women taken as sex slaves / concubines.

Based women killed themselves to avoid this or were killed because of not complying with the captors. There are lots of wells in the Mediterranean areas full of bones from women who threw themselves inside to avoid being enslaved by Muslims.

The better a woman accepted enslavement, the more offspring she had and the more this trait was passed and refined.

We as men are disgusted by the thought of having a sheboon as a partner. Most women don't have a problem fucking a nigger, unless a constant peer pressure persuades them to avoid them.