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This clothing is ridiculous and should be outlawed. This girl knows she is wearing clothing to show her ass and her pussy. There is no utility or benefit to the clothing as far as surfing goes. It distracts men and gives her unfair commercial attention.moderate skilled surf stripper at best.

submitted by Crackinjokes to videos 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 08:21:47 ago (+3/-7)     (youtube.com)


This clothing is ridiculous and should be outlawed. This girl knows she is wearing clothing to show her ass and her pussy. There is no utility or benefit to the clothing as far as surfing goes. It distracts men and gives her unfair commercial attention.moderate skilled surf stripper at best.

Remember she woke up in the morning and specifically chose to wear that instead of something with more coverage.
It wasn't innocent.

And she didn't chose it because it was going to help her surfing. It wasn't going to protect her from the rocks. Make her warmer or cooler etc.

She chose it because she wanted all the people and cameras to see her ass and have the cloth basically look like her pussy.

Surf stripper.

Just whoring for cameras and money.

No different than the stripper at a strip club.

If you don't get how ridiculous this is for surfing then imagine if the guys did the same. What if guys just started surfing with socks on their cocks and nothing else?

It's the same thing.

It's attention whoring.

10 comments block

I don’t mind.