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Loading a 1836 Colt Paterson

submitted by shitface9000 to Guns 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 16:20:25 ago (+30/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


10 comments block


You can really see here how the handgun was originally designed and derived as a miniature Cannon. Those procedures are exactly the same as loading a ship's Cannon or any canon. So people suddenly thought wouldn't it be great if I could hold a tiny cannon in my hand and shoot it. And then they thought how genius they were when they realized they could make a tiny rotating handheld six barrel cannon in their hand and they must have just thought that was the end all and be all. They never imagined the idea that they could put the rounds for a Canon in an artillery shell so that you wouldn't have to load each barrel until much later. And I wonder if that happened with the real Cannon or the handgun first.

It's kind of crazy when you see the progression of thinking that led to modern machinery.