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Imagine not having to work anymore because all the world's food is free. That's what White EthnoStates can offer humanity. We should instill a vision of endless possibilities in a heavenly dream world when we talk about future White Ethnostates

submitted by oppressed to QuotesToWakeWhites 3 weeksMay 23, 2024 07:23:55 ago (+2/-0)     (QuotesToWakeWhites)

Imagine not having to work anymore because all the world's food is free. That's what White EthnoStates can offer humanity.

If the White race were permitted to survive and thrive into the future via ethnostates, innovation would be the norm and Whites would develop Star Trek replicators that could replicate plates of food for the hungry.

Whites have already shown their potential for inventing such replicators by inventing the modern world. White British created a significant Agricultural Revolution that increased the populations of Blacks and non-Whites by hundreds of millions.

We should instill a vision of endless possibilities in a heavenly dream world when we talk about future White Ethnostates.

3 comments block

This is a very good point.