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Massie wins relection despite $400,000 in AIPEC spending to oust him.

submitted by beece to UpliftingNews 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 12:44:21 ago (+46/-0)     (www.informationliberation.com)


"It’s a referendum on whether a guy can go to DC and vote against foreign aid, foreign wars, and sanctions, while supporting free speech, privacy, & the 2A."

19 comments block

Actually what this and other campaigns have shown is that money doesn't really matter. If the candidate comes out openly and goes against the Jew whether by name or by going against them and their policies for example Massey openly said he was against a pack which of course is the Jews well if you say those things you don't need a lot of money because you're overwhelmingly popular because everybody knows this and everybody believes in and everybody wants a candidate who will fucking say it. And what this shows like many campaigns have shown before is that Apex money doesn't matter. You can buy all the stupid ads you want on legacy Media and nobody believes that bullshit anymore it doesn't work. People learn from social media what the politicians are actually doing and saying and if they're going against the crooked interest of the fucking Jews then people overwhelmingly support them and stomp the competition no matter how much money Jews give the other side.