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Ever wonder what REALLY happened with Nixon and JFK? Tucker going hard in the paint

submitted by big_fat_dangus to USPolitics 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:45:01 ago (+46/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


18 comments block

That conversation between Billy Graham and Nixon about the Jews and how they would destroy the emdia


The problem here is that Billy Graham makes the big Schofield Bible mistake and tells Nixon that not all Jews are bad and I believe Nixon powerfully influenced by Billy Graham and the Bible. Nixon was a Christian as were most people in those days and they sincerely believed in Christianity and what they thought were the teachings in the Bible and they guided their actions by them. And I believe in this case if Billy Graham had not influenced Nixon to think that there were good Jews like Nixon is surprised to hear in this conversation. Two different kinds of Jews he says in Nixon is surprised to hear that. I believe if that was not told to Nixon the Nixon would not have entertained Kissinger and he might have gone harder against the Jews and saved himself and saved the country. But Billy Graham stepped in as a Christ cock teaching the Schofield Bible nonsense that Jews are the chosen people of God and he had Nixon's ear this was not the only time they talked they talked quite frequently. And I believe that that probably stopped mixing from doing what he really needed to do as far as the Jews go. And the fact they recognized they needed to do something and that Hitler didn't do it the right way says just as clearly as can be that they knew the Jewish problem and they knew what needed to be dealt with It was just a matter of how.

What this also shows is Nixon as a World War II veteran aged person did not believe Hitler was wrong as most people in those days did not believe. World War II vets in America did not believe Hitler was a monster or wrong they just believe they were trapped on the side of a battle that they didn't want that they were forced into and in the end it was a whole bunch of Europeans fighting each other and they were just lucky to be on the winning side and survived the battle and that's what all American vets for war to felt although they actually did hate the japanese. They did not hate the Germans. They were just caught up in a battle that they had to win it was life or death once they were forced into it by Roosevelt who had promised to keep them out but they did not hate the Germans and I know that personally because my father was a World War too vet.