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Ever wonder what REALLY happened with Nixon and JFK? Tucker going hard in the paint

submitted by big_fat_dangus to USPolitics 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 18:45:01 ago (+46/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


18 comments block

Wow he must be reading my stuff. To my knowledge I've been the only one who posted on the fact that Spiro Agnew was taken out by the Intel agencies to put in Gerald Ford who had served on the Warren commission. You know what else is interesting about Gerald Ford is he had been a young male model. Yes that's right he was a young male model. Now I don't know how it was when he was a young male model and it was for one of the large agencies but a young male model today is pretty much recruited by a bunch of homosexual pedophiles. So if that was true then that would have made Gerald Ford basically an epstein-child. And you know who else is basically an epstein-child. Barack obama. And I don't mean they work directly recruited by Epstein I mean they were part of a man fucking little boys network of homosexual pedophiles that have achieved great power and influence in our government apparently for decades. Remember the GOP speaker of the House Dennis hastert who was speaker I believe under Reagan was secretly being blackmailed by young male who he had apparently accosted at some camp years earlier the whole time he was speaker of the House. these fucking pedophile fagots are everywhere and they run everything.

Now the one thing that Tucker missed in his otherwise excellent review of this was that Spiro Agnew later did an interview and came out and stated that he was directly threatened by the Intel agencies to resign or else and he spoke directly about how he knew their history of killing foreign leaders that stood up to them and he knew exactly what that threat implied. So this was a vice president of the United States who went and did an interview after being forced to resign who directly said he felt his life was threatened unless he resigned.

That interview is out there in fact I probably posted it to voat here before.

Anyway Tucker did the best job I've ever seen of anybody in the real big spotlight of naming the fact that Nixon knew nothing about the Watergate break-in that the guys who did the break-in were all CIA and that Nixon had spoken out about those people inside the government that we're going to corrupt it and destroy america. Of course what he didn't say is those people that Nixon was speaking about were named by Nixon and they were the Jews and he recorded saying that if the Jews kept running the media they would destroy the country he recorded that and he was speaking to Billy Graham in the White House about all this or actually I think it was over the telephone but Nixon recorded that conversation.

So what it now makes you wonder is what is the reason that Nixon was recording everything because he was trying to take on the Jews and he wanted to leave a record. Now other presidents had recorded things in the White House in fact JFK recorded in his White House Johnson recorded in his right house and many more so I think Eisenhower did as well so it wasn't unusual but nonetheless did Nixon do this because he wanted the record to outlive him and show that he had tried to take on the Jews and that he knew he was at risk because he was taking on the Jew and so he wanted a record if something happened to him like it happened to jfk. The Bob Woodward is probably a Jew. Of course Bernstein was a Jew so it was Woodward and Bernstein. And Mark felt the deputy director of the Sea of the FBI was of course a jew. So when Tucker is talking about Intel agencies what he's really talking about is Jew run agencies. I don't know if it's always been this way but now at this point the CIA could be spelled j e w.