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My recent encounter with a jewess goblin and the keks I had proving to my wife that I was right

submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TellUpgoat 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 11:44:35 ago (+43/-1)     (TellUpgoat)

So I shop at our Harbor Freight store when I need tools or whatever. Its cheap and works. Plus they replace many things if they break so its not a bad gig. Anyhoo, They hired this girl about a year ago. She's fat, has alien tats all over her hands and other tats on her neck and arms. She has a nasty demon face. Butt-fuckin ugly and kinky hair. She's always very neurotic/nuts when I pay for my stuff. Uncanny valley type of stuff. About a month ago she got on my nerves as I was paying for my items and my wife was waiting in the vehicle. I got in the vehicle and told my wife that lady in there is a jew. My wife asks how I know and I tell her "you know I'm the greatest jew hunter who ever lived". So I came up with a plan.

I put on my cross necklace and wore it a few days later into the store. My wife went in with me. I bought a couple items and the moment I got in line to pay, -there was a dude in front of me-- this lady started staring at my cross. She was fixated on it. When it was my turn she wasn't nice and loud-mouthed like she usually is and couldn't stop staring at the cross. Her eyes would twitch when she focused on it. It made this jewess demon very uncomfortable and I turned to my wife and said "Jesus is king" and my wife said "yes he is". This fucking jewess demon scrambled to give me my receipt then she scurried away. No "come back again" or any of the other small talk she always does. She got the fuck outta dodge. As we walked out the store my wife had this shocked look on her face and said "I think you're right. There's something up with her. She looked at your cross in disgust like it was holy water on a demon". I just smiled.

I knew the day I first seen this fat goblin that she was an evil kike demon. I can spot them a mile away. I need to buy me a big ass crucifix necklace and start wearing it in there with my Jesus shirt that I ordered. and keep in mind, i would never wear anything like that out in public before. I don't advertise but I will make an exception in this case. I'm going full 'praise thee lord" on this bitch for no reason other than for personal keks.

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CHIRO 0 points 3 weeks ago
