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Absolutely Insane – American Airlines Is Blaming A 9-Year-Old Girl For Being Filmed By One Of Their Flight Attendants In The Plane’s Bathroom (Video)

submitted by ProudAmerican to news 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 09:07:35 ago (+13/-4)     (defiantamerica.com)


They're basically giving the green light for their employees to creep on children.

Because they've made it clear that it will be the kids' fault.

This is the most asinine defense imaginable. She’s nine. He’s a grown-ass pervert.

8 comments block

The correct response is to drag the degenerate out into the town square and publically torture him until he dies.

But, we can't do that because Christ-Cucks protect Jews. And Jews would disproportionatly be the ones being corrected.

So, the victims have to do the "Christian" thing and appeal to their master, which is the Jew, and the Jew says the Airline is at fault, because the Airline has more money.

So, the Airline, which is a victim in this matter as well, can't drag the degenerate out into to town square and torture him to death either.
So, the Airline has to do the "Christian" thing, which is to appeal to it's Jewish Master.
And the Jewish Master says the 9 year old girl is at fault.

See how this works?