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I'm trying to make up a conspiracy theory about people from Peru

submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to conspiracy 3 weeksMay 22, 2024 05:07:42 ago (+21/-2)     (conspiracy)

but I just can't find any examples of Peruvians in high ranking government positions, let alone dozens in every major country.

but I just can't find any examples of Peruvians running our news and entertainment media, let alone a majority of them.

but I just can't find any examples of Peruvians who were Federal Reserve chairs, let alone for 40 of the last 50 years.

but I just can't find any examples of Peruvians running child sex trafficking rings to sexually blackmail the people who run our society like Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, Clare Bronfman, Roy Cohn, and Assi Ben Mosh.

but I just can't find any Peruvian billionaires who spend millions every election cycle, let alone a few on each side of the aisle.

but I just can't find any Peruvian prophets who created major world religions, let alone the two biggest religions in the world that taught more than half the world to worship a jewish god.

You can replace Peruvians with literally any nation, ethnicity, religion, etc. except one, and it works.

29 comments block

The world is a nasty place.
For the record, none of us would have been keen to that sort of thing.
I did drink lots of tequila, kissed a girl from my ship I'd never spoken to before and anyone I fucked was around my age.

The children seemed employed by their mothers (or some older females), they try to sell us gum and flute music. In the dank parts of town, all grown ups.

Pizza Alley was the LAST place we went, because the liberty bus from the ship dropped and picked up there.
It was the MOST civil place and we were encouraged to visit it above other areas.

Like I said, my crew goes off grid everywhere, we found a girlie club attached to a taco shop, to enter it we had to knock on a black painted wall, an eyehole slides open, sees us, the fucking wall opens up, the whole thing is a door. Again, everyone inside was of age. Beer is $2, cocaine was complimentary, we kept trying to pay for it.