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Multiplicity (1996) Sci-Fi comedy about human cloning

submitted by Conspirologist to movies 3 weeksMay 21, 2024 08:40:39 ago (+6/-3)     (movies)

Multiplicity is a perfect Sci-Fi comedy about human cloning. I have no idea why it has such a low rating. Apart of being funny, it's also intelligent. It's dealing with social problems and human psychology in a very entertaining way.

Michael Keaton manages to play three characters with different personalities, plus a mentally impaired character. It's masterful acting that deserves an Oscar nomination.

The movie is never boring, from start to finish. It's just an enjoyable ride without dull moments. Even when nothing happens, Michael Keaton's acting makes the scene still enjoyable.

Highly recommended if you like Sci-Fi, comedy, and human psychology.


13 comments block

unless you grew up in the era and saw it when it was something new and different. Many such cases.

Many things are like this. My original reading of Dune was mind-blowing. Now I can't read it for all the gay mud shit shoved in there. Some things are much longer lasting though. I'm currently having a blast listening to TLoTR series.