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A Step Change In Warfare: "Like having a sniper rifle versus a guy with a longbow."

submitted by BulletStopper to War 1 weekMay 21, 2024 18:22:52 ago (+8/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


"Why wouldn't military planners in the US be taking notes and adjusting?"

"Because the money keeps flowing with no accountability."

Maybe hearing Erik Prince say that same fucking thing to Tucker that I've been saying for the last 10 fucking years will finally get someone's attention.

(I'm not holding my breath, but hope doth spring eternal.)

The math is simple. You can't maintain any exchange rate that demands millions on your part to defend against an enemy that's only spending thousands to attack.

(Ref: Mujahideen employment of Stingers against the Russians. $50,000USD MANPADS with a proven 87% PH/PK vs. multimillion ruble tactical aircraft. After 3 years of losing an average of at least one aircraft a day, the Russians finally went home.)

The International: "If You control the debt, you control everything."

8 comments block

The unspoken motto in my shop is: "We shit precision."

It's not on the sign. But maybe it should be.