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10 comments block

Yes that sounds like an argument a college brat would make. I thought you were older and more experienced?

Just think - every psycho retard murder idiot who wants to kill and fuck over as many people as possible seems to also blame it’s actions on God, or say how God TOLD THEM to do it. Demons having them say something stupid like that is completely out of the question, right? What’s even more stupid is how something like that is believable by rational human beings!

It’s no cohencidence that the demons telling these sickos to fuck humanity are also telling them to take down anything sacred and holy and good down with them.

Every time I hear about how GOD TOLD US TO DO THIS ends up being a slimy fucking jew. The fucking retard jews are doing that RIGHT NOW during their genocide of white peoples, of Palestinians, of anyone that stands in their way. Witch hunts in order to kill single women with nice properties in the countryside? Real estate scam artist jews using God as an excuse to fool you and collect more land “in the name of God.” Spanish Inquisition? De Torquemada - a jew - who fooled Christians, saying he was killing in the name of God. World Wars meant to depopulate white peoples? FUCKIN JEWS IN EVERY CORNER OF WORLD GOVERNMENTS saying that God is on our side and we need to kill these bad guys!

Don’t be fooled and fall for the easiest trick in the book used by demons saying that GOD IS ON THEIR SIDE - or that anything God related should be destroyed; these demons, by design, muddy the waters and deceive.

The most complex and beautiful music, art, and culture are ALL influenced by God, by Jesus; just because evil throws you a curveball lie every time a disaster happens, doesn’t mean God should be thrown out with the bathwater.

And fuck those black churches and ANY church, for that matter, that doesn’t speak about how Jesus was right about the jews or how pedophiles shouldn’t be executed - those are antichrists that literally deny Jesus’ words and teachings, which have been translated into every language and have been forsaken by EVERY group and community that claims to follow Him many times throughout history; there is no such thing as an infallible human, and it gets worse when a group of humans are involved. This is the nature of man, of original sin, of suffering and redemption, and everything else that makes this world a complicated place to navigate.

The Bolsheviks tried to block God from the countries and people they tortured, but they were ultimately defeated. These kikes are NOT with God. Jesus said they are of their father - THE DEVIL. It’s the same fucking story. Every. Single. Time.