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Check this out. St Petersburg Russia. This is why the kikes want to destroy Russia.

submitted by ProudRebel to WhitePeopleIsland 1 monthMay 18, 2024 06:46:02 ago (+61/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


58 comments block

The encounter made me develop the following rule: "Never have sex with anyone bigger than you"
If the female has a greater overall mass than the male, doing it wrong.
It works pragmatically and to my preference, probably because it is the natural way.
They have to be smaller than I am (I'm not small, 6' 180lb). This is a deal breaker.

No man should see a womans stomach that when on top of his own, touches the mattress on both sides.
I thought I would die down there a broken shambles of a man. Rules are important.

The worst part is they have a wonderful time and wanna do it again and again. :|
2015 was a bad year for me.

Fat women are the only kind that I will easily prefer masturbating. Its more rewarding than sex with a fatty.
That's not a promotion of the practice, its a demotion of those women.