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The plague of academia part 2

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 1 monthMay 18, 2024 11:30:49 ago (+10/-0)     (Rants)

I decided to pull the guy's code to test it out locally and holy shit .... no words. Hardcoded references everywhere, structure was just complete vomit, hardcoded local paths to his machine with obscure reasons why, changing the execution path for no reason going beyond what the API called for, hardcoded credential files that didn't belong at all. The code is so unusable it needs to be completely re written. It's not even functional on the machines of other devs because he hardcoded the interpreter path too.

We looked at the library he used to set it up, and it was EXPERIMENTAL. This nigga used a beta product, and his response as always was fuck it, not my problem. Now we have to fix the entire thing since it's broken, and our academic PHD overlord has no idea how to fix it. What's weird is he wanted to use Python because he didn't understand the other framework. This made no sense, since instead of adapting to the new framework like a normal person, he FORCED his choices and ideals onto us without bothering to ask or question if this was a good idea. It broke everything, and now we have to fix it. Guaran fucking tee when its fixed this guy will be lauded by upper management for his "skills".

3 comments block

Dude needs to weld a flight of stairs. Instead of welding, dipass used hundreds of pop rivets and epoxy.