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Banks are gearing up for the run

submitted by 2plus2equals5 to whatever 1 monthMay 18, 2024 13:02:50 ago (+12/-1)     (whatever)

Got cash? I've got small accounts in a couple different decent banks in case one decides to fold. I won't interact with those caught in fraudulent lending schemes or handling cartel money (mexican not the obvious which is everywhere). That won't last long but it's enough to buy groceries for a few weeks in the meantime. Of course Fed rules could kill all that centrally.
Keep in mind this is from one of the good ones.

Received a notice of changes:
-Business and person can't be mixed. That's the job of the IRS at tax time. Now local bank tellers are supposed to be enforcers or they lose certification. Turn in your parents and neighbors.

-Special clause by the Office of Foreign Asset Control. Foreign banking fees. I probably can't move my money overseas to become an ex-pat, or send aid to Palestinians as a charity write-off. They are all coming here anyways.

-Mandatory arbitration. Because the bank may have to do something stupid under orders, or run out of physical cash for the mobs.

-Clauses limiting max amounts, or allow delaying for weeks account transfers. At their discretion. You can check but you can never leave. This could fuck a lot of people if banks froze payments of bills.


5 comments block

There will be no run. They’ll just order all banks to close for a week (like they did in 1933), everyone will obey, and when they reopen their only purpose will be to teach people how to use the global CBDC that works everywhere in every country all at once.