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My favorite nigger. No seriously, this guy is awesome.

submitted by ProudRebel to funny 2 weeksMay 17, 2024 08:57:22 ago (+60/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


36 comments block

dass 2 points 2 weeks ago

I remember when i first saw a Steyr AUG on some sci-movie as a kid in the late 70's early 80's because they looked 'futuristic' . I always personally thought they looked 'big ghey'.

Then our NZ armed forces adopted them to replace the old L1A1 SLR's, which confirmed to me 'yep, big ghey'. A NZ gun dealer (well known to be a bit dodgy in NZ, David Tipple owns NZ gun dealership chain, Gun City) brought a whole bunch when they put out the first tender of the L1A1 SLR's for next to nothing from the Defense force, (they ended up destroying a whole lot after that and withdrew the public tender sales, preferring direct country to country defense sales) because he then started selling them to South African warlord militias and Third world despots in the 90's iirc, lol.