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My driver's license renewal form came today and it had a bunch of questions unrelated to my driving or my license

submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to whatever 3 weeksMay 16, 2024 00:48:15 ago (+15/-1)     (whatever)

After the obligatory address questions, they went right into two pages of voter registration crap. Four years ago I changed from Republican to independent to stop the junk mail and remove myself from the target list. This license renewal was my opportunity to de-list my address from any voter registration mailings and to officially “unregister” for any future voting.
I’m feeling much better now.

9 comments block

it makes zero sense to even pretend that anything the government does at this point has any meaningful application other than greater subjugation of lawful citizens and plunder of the state. How they can even pretend that the goal is honest redistricting of 435 members of congress, while actively funneling in tens of millions of ILLEGAL (not undocumented) immigrants for the purposes of influencing a leftist political outcome, is evidence that this clown show is already over. the poor bastards that still cling to "trump" or some white hat rescue are delusional. House in the country, Storable food, defense capabilities in that order. even then you are likely fucked