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submitted by Zyklonbeekeeper to HDLunited 2 weeksMay 15, 2024 19:33:25 ago (+17/-0)     (HDLunited)

I'm well convinced that all political hit jobs are the works of the ✡.

And the (((parasitic slugs))) always get away with it. The jew is the well poisoner, the back stabber and the doctor who is sworn to "do no harm"...the ✡ is the wolf in sheep's clothing .

HOWEVER....I am of the belief that their end is near.

2 comments block

There are no political solutions here, the only way that this mess gets cleaned up is through violence...peaceful resolutions are the dreams of a fool and those dreams were false ideas created by the jew for the goy to keep the fools weak and obedient...prime example is the "GENEVA CONVENTION", it only applies to the Goy...what's coming is already here, 5th Generation Warfare began 4 years ago and when the disinformation campaign is over the violence begins....(((it))) has to be stopped before (((it))) gets to that stage........and there can be no mercy, no quarter given no quarter expected.