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8 comments block

... dude, I get it. It's more fun to pretend Putin looks out for his people. You probably believe Trump's looking out for you from his round table alongside Sir Qcival and Sir MyPillot.

And who knows maybe I am the idiot and Putin has his reasons other than his Mossad handlers' assignments. Bit I guess if I ask you why losses of 100.000 Russian servicemen kia is preferable to just taking in a few million refugees from Donbas your answer will be some nonsense about how eastern Ukraine is an integral part of mother Russia, right? Russia could have send tanks, arty and aviation to the separatist. They could have opted for a sneaky approach and unleashed a decades long campaign of terror bombings (IRA style). Or simply closed the pipelines the Ukrainians were dependent on. Instead the Russians opted for maximum death toll among their own ranks. And that's why you should think of him as Good Goy Putin.