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This market is absurd.

submitted by Redwolf1488 to whatever 2 weeksMay 14, 2024 17:27:42 ago (+17/-1)     (whatever)

I am reminded of the times during the Roman empire, when the farmers abandoned their fields and instead went to the city for circus, gladiator battles and bread. Fuck it, they thought.

I am an educated individual who has always had an interest in the stock market. I researched my first stock at age 12, a helium company. I loved the concept of investing in companies that provide goods that people need like oil, gas, helium, agriculture, copper and things like that.

After getting a bachelor's I'm geoscience (I wanted to work in oil), life threw me a couple of curveballs and I pursued other things and forgot about my love of investing and natural resources.

About five years ago I got back into the finance world. I am currently pursuing my masters of finance and rocked a bunch of classes at the local university. I became a member of the business club and got close with several professors.

My point is that I am educated in finance, I am intelligent, and I am qualified to make the following statements and observations. I am not a financial advisor though, so do your own research and none of this is financial advice.

Apparently gamestop has caught on again and is exploding on the stock market going up 300% in the past couple of days. This is based on nothing. Literally because the original account "deep fucking value" made a twitter post.

This market is absurd. It is based on nothing. I have several companies in my portfolio, good companies, who produce goods that people need, like oil, gas, copper, aluminum etc. And they have gone fucking nowhere in four years despite their underlying commodity prices going higher and higher.

Gold for example has gone up 30% in the last five years and yet the mining stocks, which are making money hand over fist are in the toilet. Normally, when an underlying commodity (like oil) goes up, the producers of that commodity (oil producers) will go up 3-5x that in response. They have gone fucking nowhere.

I have companies printing money, doing share buybacks and dividends, sitting at price to earnings ratios of FOUR meanwhile gamestop is sitting at ONE THOUSAND TIMES price to earnings.

Then you have crypto which is fucking insane in itself. It's based on nothing. It's literally nothing. People buy it so they can acquire more fiat, they don't give a fuck about the asset and you have stuff like pancake coin or sushi coin going up 3000%.

This market is fake. It's rigged. It's a complete scam. It's gotten to the point where the more bullshit and fake something is, the more money it makes. Meanwhile the more real something is, the less money it makes.

You already know, but you don't know the extent. We live in clownworld. Absolute backwards clown world. The tribe of the antichrist has twisted and perverted every fucking thing on this planet. The source of their power is their money printing. It doesn't matter if companies make money anymore. Used to be, when a company made bad decisions, like putting trannies in warhammer, they lost money in response. Now it doesn't fucking matter... they can have green haired trannies and home butt sex and if they lose money then whatever! Blackrock will buy them out because they own everything.

There are bad economic times coming. You all know this but you don't know the extent. You should be doing everything you can to prepare. Even if all you can do is stock a little food each month or buy a little silver or ammo, do everything you can.

This is fucking ridiculous. The stock market is the symptom, the jews and the money printing is the cause. I could go on and on about the financial markets but for brevity I will stop.

I'll just say that the market is dominated by these faggot tech companies that don't produce anything (like tesla) and yet their stock prices are sky high and Meanwhile good companies that actually produce shit that people need barely scrape by.

I refuse to invest in jew shit. I will hold my oil producers and silver miners and agriculture providers and when this satanic system collapses I will make exponential profits in the correction. Problem is though what world will we be living in? Gas will be 20 dollars a gallon. A loaf of bread will be thirty. Gold will be 10,000 an ounce and it could even be worse than that.

Fuck these markets, fuck this government they have betrayed us, fuck these jews that control everything, fuck these mindless normie sheep that don't even know where milk comes from. Fuck these stupid ass people.

44 comments block

Called it. JUDEN RAUS!