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The University of North Carolina DUMPED DEI and The Frat Boys Will Be More Than Happy When They See Where All The Funding Went

submitted by ProudAmerican to news 3 weeksMay 14, 2024 07:21:26 ago (+4/-3)     (defiantamerica.com)


While this board is an ‘advisory’ board for the school, they do have the power of the purse and I think they used it quite well this time.

7 comments block

the majority of lower-rank Jews across the nation have had it with the demon-possessed 0.01% profits-demon-possessed Jews, and are pissed off at them because they abandoned the Jew cause. The only reason it's still kinda hopping along is because the 0.01 profits demonized Jew still need the support of the run of the mill Jew NPC. Kinda like how the us govt is branding white genocide as 'virtuous, human rites Justice', to brainwash the dumass cracker NPCs into self-loathing and compliance.

...but my favorite part of the article is

Board members cited how discriminatory DEI is, saying a lot of people think it means “divisiveness, exclusion and indoctrination.”