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Stop calling people who aren't actually NAZIs Nazis. The national socialist party was for eliminating debt, promoting families and fair pay for labor. If that isn't what they are doing that then they arent NAZI's.

submitted by Crackinjokes to TellUpgoat 3 weeksMay 13, 2024 10:40:53 ago (+33/-0)     (TellUpgoat)

Stop calling people who aren't actually NAZIs Nazis.

The national socialist party was for eliminating debt, promoting families and fair pay for labor.

If that isn't what they are doing that then they arent NAZI's.

(Actual party platform 1920 and the country thrived.

11 comments block

socialism was always a way to entice the proletariat who were tired of being robbed of the value of their labor. it was a trap for the germans and its a trap for you. the power of the state will always be abused because of human shitty nature. the only solution is to make the state a small, efficient, powerful tool as the united states was intended to be . to be used in the hands of the citizens. it cannot now nor will ever be a loving master. destroy it now, before it destroys us.