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The more i ask uncomfortable questions, the more it seems im breaking everyone around me

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Christianity 3 weeksMay 12, 2024 23:01:00 ago (+14/-3)     (Christianity)

When I first started going to church, it was a hole in the wall place in the middle of nowhere. We had our fun asking inquisitive questions, talking about White replacement, the lineage of israel in genesis, miscegenation, pedos in woodchippers. There was no limit to how out there a question could lead to an interesting debate. And yet, no one thought of me as some crazed psycho, since they were asking similar questions. Heck my first church is where i learned about the talmud! Now I will say, i know very little about the other religions, so my knowledge form my prior post was very wrong. It doesn't come from me trying to front for the jews, so much as me assuming they are lying, backstabbing assholes and not always knowing how to explain why that is.

And then i came to NYC ... And now im seen as some kind of deranged psycho monster for asking questions. I even had to tone down a lot of the questions i ask since they were considered too provocative. I was asking questions on the lineage between the pharisees and the current day jews. Immediately dismissed with a simple: different people, fuck you, stop asking. They didn't explain HOW this could be, or who the pharisees went on to become. It makes it very confusing when a pastor talks about israel (modern day) and ignores how the Bible mentions multiple tribes of Judah, Israel, Benjamites, etc, But again, the pastors in NYC don't care to explain the delineation of the tribes vs modern day jews.

It honestly feels like i went from loving church to completely hating it. And yet i know its not my faith or my belief system that's the problem. I still have my same faith in God as i did before. But it feels like im no longer compatible with the church. It frustrates me.

21 comments block

The Jews call everyone they don't like an anti-semite.
And the only thing Jews hate more than non-Jews is other Jews.
Nobody is more anti-semitic than Jews.