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'The man who knits'

submitted by NeedleStack to Knitting 3 weeksMay 8, 2024 21:25:32 ago (+24/-0)     (iv.ggtyler.dev)


From the video description:

"Most new knitters start by making a scarf. The first thing this artist ever knitted was an Irish fisherman's sweater. Both unconventional and frugal - and always up for a challenge - he sources his fiber from thrift-store sweaters and then up-cycles the yarn into new items, such as hats and blankets."

5 comments block

Want to learn how to cook, listen to a man.

Every man should know the basics. Being able to put a meal together from random stuff in the fridge/pantry is a great skill to have. It also helps inform you when shopping so you don't end up overspending or not buying something.

And you should know how to sew well enough to put two pieces of your own skin together.