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Bill Gates working to build 61,000 surveillance satellites with AI to track everything everywhere on Earth.

submitted by allAheadFull to NWO 3 weeksMay 8, 2024 18:49:03 ago (+19/-0)     (beebom.com)


Each satellite deployed by EarthNow will be equipped with “an unprecedented amount” of processing power, featuring more CPU cores than all other commercial satellites combined. The satellites will not only capture and broadcast live video, but will also do an onboard analysis of the live imagery using machine learning. While the company hasn’t revealed what exactly it’ll do with the data, it has listed down a number of potential uses for its network, including:

“Catching illegal fishing in the act, watching hurricanes and typhoons as they evolve, detecting forest fires the moment they start, watching volcanoes the instant they start to erupt, assisting the media in telling stories from around the world, tracking large whales as they migrate, helping “smart cities” become more efficient, providing on-demand data about crop health, and observing conflict zones around the world.”

I'm sure they really just want to make sure there are no forest fires, not track people...

The startup, which is the latest company to emerge from the Intellectual Ventures ISF Incubator, is being backed by AirBus, the SoftBank Group, Bill Gates, and satellite-industry veteran Greg Wyler in its first round of funding.


33 comments block

They will lease it to mercenary units.
They will lease it to government agencies.

Slavery As A Service

Your city will use it to cite your traffic snafus.
Your employer will use it to make sure you're sick.

You'd have to knock them out of the sky, and all their redundancies.
People will try, you will hear about it, they will call them terrorists.
Attacking Vital Services and your rations will decrease to compensate for repairs.
You will believe you need these things.