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Your argument is that "Vatican hill" (seer hill) comes from an Etruscan loaner word, a pagan goddess named Vatika.

I presented a link for the etymology that states that the most (scholars, presumably) connect "Vatican" with the Latin "vates", meaning "seer". My link acknowledged your Etruscan origin theory as a position held by a minority.

You rebutted by saying that you think it is referring to the same thing. Basically, you are claiming that even if "Vatican" comes from the Latin word for "seer" that it still is talking about Vatika.

If you take that same type of argument and apply it to scripture, every reference to "CHRONOS" could be construed by a minority to mean that it is actually talking about the Greek god Chronos (keeping in mind that definitive articles are interpolated from the source manuscripts; "a" and "the" are interpolated).


If you are really sold on the concept that the name "Vatican" venerates and alludes to a pagan goddess, you would also be placing yourself in a position that the New Testament could be venerating and alluding to Greek gods.

Considering the Vatican is known as the "holy see" and Latin is the language of the Catholic church, it follows that "Vatican" coming from the Latin "seer" is more consistent with the facts.

[Vatika is the harlot]

Many mysteries in Revelation, but you can make a stronger argument for the case that the modern State of Israel is the harlot.