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Holy shit! Comedian Jim Breuer damn near names the jews then says that he isn't 100% sure that the Dave Chappelle that came back from Africa and went on Oprah is the real Dave Chappelle.

submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to WeirdNews 3 weeksMay 6, 2024 00:27:06 ago (+23/-3)     (youtu.be)


I liked the Chappelle show. He was a funny fucker. Then when all that shit went down and he fleed to Africa and came back, I knew something wasn't right. and now he doesn't even look like the same person. Dave's cousin did a video saying they think he was switched out and not the same Chappelle. Weird fuckin shit

Here's another vid of Jim talking with that fat jewess Rosanne and they say they don't think its the real Dave Chappelle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-ibzl6gGKQ

15 comments block

IDK man, Jim always seemed like a stand-up dude. He's pretty based.